EPSO Competitions
Computer-based tests (CBT)
February 2025
The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is responsible for selecting staff for the EU institutions and agencies. It organizes open competitions in 24 EU official languages to recruit candidates for EU institutions, bodies, and agencies, like the European Parliament, the Council of the EU, or the European Commission.
The selection process for permanent officials typically begins with computer-based testing (CBT) that includes multiple-choice tests assessing candidates’ knowledge of the European Union and/or specialist knowledge in the field of the competition, as well as numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning skills. Depending on the profile sought, intermediary tests can be organized, such as translation tests, written tests related to the field of the competition assessing only written communication skills, field-related written tests assessing written communication skills and knowledge in the relevant field of the competition, or a free-text essay on EU matters assessing only written communication skills.
For contract agent positions, the pre-selection stage is similar to that of the open competitions for permanent staff and consists of verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning tests. Additionally, candidates may be asked to sit a third test to assess their specific competencies relevant to the profile of the competition. To speed up the recruitment process, the assessment centre phase has been removed. As a result, lists of selected candidates will be available much sooner.
Candidates who are successful in a selection procedure are placed on a ‘reserve list’ from which all EU institutions recruit directly. It is important to note that appearing on a reserve list does not constitute a job offer on its own. Reserve lists serve as recruitment basis for the EU institutions and bodies where they can check the profiles of the successful candidates to identify those who best match their needs and then to invite them for an interview. The recruiting DG or service will assess both a candidate’s fit for a specific position and their overall suitability during the interview. They will also handle the selection of candidates for interviews directly.
Laureates are also recommended to apply for vacancies related to the competition in which they have been successful until the expiry of their reserve list.
EPSO regularly announces its indicative plannings. For detailed information on how to apply, including the necessary steps and important documents, please refer to EPSO’s official guidance.
USL organises regular trainings on CBT and can provide advice on how to prepare an exam. As the number of places are limited, USL members are offered preferential tariffs and priority.
Impact of the pandemic
March 2021
Even though EU Institutions had to change to online mode because of the sanitary crises, life cannot stop: EPSO introduced the online version of the Assessment Centre in September.
As explained on their official site, remote testing means that candidates do not need to travel to an EPSO location but do tests from their homes. EPSO informs candidates of all details, logistics and technical requirements at least three weeks in advance via their EPSO account. Tests are run via web conferencing or a messaging software respectively and all technical details are provided by EPSO assistants before the actual assessment day.
The so-called “group exercises” are now replaced by Situational Competency Based Interviews, the aim of which is to assess general competencies by asking the candidate how they would react in a specific situation. Candidates are provided access to an online written assignment and background information that they have to use for preparation for a 30-40-minute interview. In this imaginary situation, candidates replace a colleague and assume responsibility for a variety of tasks and situations which are then discussed during the interview run by a trained interviewer. During the interview, additional situations are introduced by the interviewer that are independent from the assignment. The Selection Board is represented by two members who only observe the discussion, take notes and do the evaluation of the candidate’s performance according to a number of general competencies as indicated in the Notice of Competition.
So far several open competitions have been successfully finalised using this new methodology adapted to the present sanitary situation.
For further information and examples of situational competency-based questions click here.
Upcoming competitions
Do you want to work for the European Institutions as “statutory staff”?
In order to recruit statutory staff, the EU Institutions have created the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) which organizes selection competitions on a regular basis.
The list of the upcoming competitions can be found on the EPSO website