USL, a trade union that listens!

Listening = Dialogue = Participation = Concertation = Negotiation

Never the “empty chair” policy!

  • The USL Delegations of each Institution meet regularly, either physically or (during the pandemic) via visioconference
  • The interinstitutional Executive Committee meets every Monday.
  • Each time it is deemed necessary, General Assemblies are organised: Cedies, remunerations, evaluation and promotion, contractual agents …
  • Members meet regularly in General Assembly to deliberate over the strategic orientation of USL.
  • Each year, more than 500 social and legal consultations.
  • Participation to all the social dialogue meetings.
  • Participation in the Local Staff Committee and in the joint committees to defend the interest of the staff
  • Political secretary: at your service all year long!

General Assemblies

Two General Assemblies were held on October 8 and 13, 2021, via video conference.

The members of the USL were convened to express their opinions and to vote on the draft amendment of certain articles of the Statutes and the Rules of Procedure of the Union, in order to allow the holding, by electronic voting, of the internal elections of the Union’s bodies.

CompteRendu-AGE-08.10.2021 (FR)

CompteRendu-AGE-13.10.2021 (FR)

USL held its General Assembly marking the end of the 2017-2020 mandate on November 16, 2020. Given the sanitary conditions, this GA was held via video conference. Please find attached the Minutes:

CompteRendu-AG-16.11.2020 (FR)